Fake designer handbags are everywhere, and they may be super cheap, but they won't be high quality. Look at pictures carefully and ask questions. Beware of sellers with no return policy or low feedback ratings. If you have any doubts, don't buy the bag.
Finding Inexpensive Designer HandbagsSign Up
Once you have some ideas about the styles or brands you're interested in, start looking in local stores. Consignment shops are a great place to start. They have gently used merchandise, including accessories, that is usually fifty percent less than what you would pay in a retail store. That doesn't mean you should neglect retail stores http://cheapcoachfactoryoutletonline.weebly.com/, though. Often there will be clearance and end-of-season sales that offer deep discounts. Outlet malls are another great place to look. They have stores for many different designers and also have good prices. You can also check thrift stores like Goodwill, the Salvation Army or independently owned shops. These places take more work and there is a larger element of chance involved, but it's possible to score a fantastic deal. Other brick and mortar places to look are discounters like T.J. Maxx and Marshall's. Not only is everything already marked down from retail price, but also finding things one clearance will offer even more savings.
Designer handbags are more popular than ever, and it is easy to understand why. Not only are they high quality, they are fashionable and attractive. They are also sturdier and last much longer than other purses. This quality usually comes with a high price tag however, that doesn't always have to be the case. With persistence, know-how and patience http://cheapcoachfactoryoutletonline.weebly.com/#4, you can find a great designer handbag without paying designer prices.
Beware of Fakes
Check popular auctions sites like eBay. It has a lot of sellers with access to discounted designer handbags. Some of them even have their own eBay stores where you can buy the bag you like outright instead of bidding on an auction. Also look on Craigslist and swap meet sites. Someone may be selling a purse you like cheap http://cheapcoachfactoryoutletonline.weebly.com/#2, or you may be able to trade some designer jeans sitting in your closet for a purse. Don't forget online consignment shops: they can be a great source for handbags, too. Some fashionistas change accessories often, and you can take advantage of that to get an amazing deal.
Visit stores whose products you like, either on their website or in one of their retail stores. Most of them have mailing lists and will send you information about sample sales and other special promotions. Some will even offer coupons or discount codes. Unless the wording of the coupon prohibits it, use the coupon on a sale or clearance item to get the most savings. Sign up with designer purse discount sites, too. They will usually have a few sales every year, and you can be one of the first to find out about them. These sites also may have a "deal of the day" at a special price, so check your e-mails to see if your perfect handbag is waiting for you.
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